Combined Pedigree- Rio x Dina |
1st Generation |
2nd Generation |
3rd Generation |
4th Generation |
7xBISS/CH. Gourley's One Hot Ticket, JH
BISS CH Castle
One In A Millennium JH
(OFA Good) |
CH Millette's Joe
Cool (OFA) |
CH Millette's Plain Brown Wrapper
(OFA) |
CH Susie's Sizzlin Sarha (OFA) |
CH Castle Millette Lady In
Redd JH (OFA) |
CH Millette's Born On The 4th of
July (OFA) |
Millette's Denim And Lace (OFA) |
Am/Int CH Peachcreek
Burning Desire
(OFA Good) |
CH Peachcreek Right To Fire |
NBOB BIS CH Jordean I Kid You Not
(OFA) |
Peachcreek Triwyn Sally B Good (OFA) |
CH Peachcreek Runaround
Sue (OFA) |
5x NBOB BIS CH Jordean All Kiddin
Aside JH (OFA) |
CH Tek's Abby Almond Bark (OFA) |
CH. Gourley's Dream Girl
2XNBOB CH Jordean Your
Wildest Dreams
(OFA Good)
CH Bent Oak's Just Because
(OFA) |
CH Bent Oak's Secret Formula |
CH Tiwn Oak's Stilletto |
CH Millette's Any Dream Will
Do (OFA) |
Ch. Millette's Magic Reflection JH (OFA) |
Millette's The Jewel Thief |
Am/Int CH Peachcreek Burning
(OFA Good) |
CH Peachcreek Right To Fire |
NBOB BIS CH Jordean I Kid You Not (OFA) |
Peachcreek Triwyn Sally B Good (OFA) |
CH Peachcreek
Runaround Sue (OFA) |
5x NBOB BIS CH Jordean
All Kiddin Aside JH (OFA) |
CH Tek's Abby Almond Bark (OFA) |