
Click Here to view Keno's Pedigree

Keno is our star hunter. He is a littermate to Rio, Maxine and Tucker. When he opened his eyes he couldn't wait to greet us with affection and begin all the adventure life has in store. When we got an inquiry from Dan Reed in Fairbanks, Alaska about possibly purchasing Keno, we thought that would be the perfect place for him. Dan was a little skeptical since Keno had so much show background in his pedigree, but I assured him we breed a dual dog and his mother and sire were proven hunters. He trusted in what I told him and took Keno home. At 10 weeks Keno was pointing birds, and he gets better and better as he grows up. Dan couldn't be more pleased.


Keno and his birds after a hunting trip
to Idaho at 8 months old

Keno backing his buddy Jackson

After first cold winter on a warm spring day,
still donning his winter woolies.

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